<![CDATA[Citizen's Assist Society - Blog]]>Fri, 10 May 2024 23:06:09 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[James Foley's Death]]>Wed, 20 Aug 2014 18:49:37 GMThttp://casarelief.org/blog/james-foleys-deathHere we are at another event that is just plain wrong.  This world continues to spin out of control, and for all of us who are watching it, we are appalled.  As a parent, I hope that I never have to get this type of news about one of my children.  Here at Casarelief.org we are trying to make a difference where we can. Sadly, until a greater power ends this type of conduct we have to endure a troubled world that seems to get worse each day.  Who knows, someone may bring you a massage of hope and if they do take the time to listen. It may just make a difference one day. 

To read more about this terrible event, please go to:
<![CDATA[Robin Williams]]>Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:54:20 GMThttp://casarelief.org/blog/robin-williamsAs most of us know, this talented man took his own life.  That is so sad to hear.  He was a master at making us laugh and forget about the problems that we faced as we were being entertained by him. But for those of us who live in the real world still have to face various stresses and problems every day. As we see from his death, he too was struggling with life's issues. He had some of the same issues that many of us have. Here at CASA, we hope that you don't reach a point in life that you feel there is no hope. For many of the people that we assist they feel there is to future for them. That is sad because there is always a tomorrow and most problems can get worked out in time. 

Hang in there and may you find a brighter future if you are currently suffering.]]>
<![CDATA[The World We Live in]]>Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:08:31 GMThttp://casarelief.org/blog/the-world-we-live-inPicture
As most of you know, the wars in Ukraine and in Gaza are raging today. It seems that there is no end in sight. It is so sad to see the needless deaths as people struggle with the issues. Let's hope that calmer heads can prevail as innocent people are harmed.
