Mission Statement:
To Assist Individuals and Families That are in Need of Relief While Caring for Animals and the Earth We are a group of individuals that cares what happens and try's to take action where we can. Like most of you money doesn't come easy so we are not asking you for it, just text " " to " ". This way you can make a difference. We take a portion of the proceeds that we are given and donate to various causes. We understand that we can all fall victim to unexpected circumstances. Here at CASA we try to help those dealing with such events. How would you feel if you found out that your child developed cancer? What if your child was abducted and sold to someone as a slave? Do you have anyone that you know that is currently serving time in prison? Have you ever seen a poor dog or cat that is starving to death? How do you feel about the earth being quickly polluted? Consider These Facts:
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